
Take notice that the Corporation of the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet is currently developing a strategic plan that will establish the municipality’s priorities over the next two years.


The Township of Alfred and Plantagenet is on the cusp of releasing its first ever strategic plan, which has been drafted with the aim of identifying the major strategic orientations and action priorities of the Township until 2023. The municipality is seeking feedback from its population on this defining document, in order to validate and improve the draft.

Share Your Opinion

Residents of the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet are invited to share their opinion on this important matter by completing a short questionnaire between August 23, 2021 and September 12, 2021, via the link posted on the Township’s official Facebook page, or at the following link:

For More Information

Regarding the Township of Alfred and Plantagenet Strategic Plan 2021-2023, residents may contact Mr. Michel Potvin, Chief Administrative Officer, from Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., by e-mail: or by phone at 613-673-4797 extension 402.