The Township of Alfred and Plantagenet landfill is located in Alfred at 3420, Concession 4.

Opening hours

The landfill is open on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

2023 Landfill Holiday Schedule

  • December 23 – Open
  • December 26 – Closed
  • December 30 – Closed
  • January 2 – Closed
  • January 6 – Open

The following items can be brought directly to the landfill, free of charge:

  • Grass and leaves
  • Branches, tree trunks and stumps
  • Tires (with or without rims)
  • Metal
  • Old electronics may be deposited in containers located at the landfill

To view the complete list of accepted electronic devices visit our recycling and drop-off location page.

Landfill Usage Fees

Tipping fees apply to materials destined to disposal.

Household waste drop off rates at the landfill is $0.65 per cubic foot.

Construction waste materials drop off rates in the landfill is $1.30 per cubic foot.

Life Span and Costs Pertaining to the Closure of Landfill Sites

The Alfred landfill has a maximum capacity of 360,000 cubic metres of waste.

The landfill remaining life span is between 35 and 45 years.

LandfillDate of closureClosing costsPost-closure cost

Ward 1

2060 (expected)


$1, 062,587 (over a 25-year period)

Ward 2


$405, 818 

$702,935 (over a 25-year period)

Ward 3


$371, 270 

$334,973 (over a 17-year period)